Sunday, April 09, 2006

It's Spring or Is It?

Here in Southern Oregon, it's Spring!!!!!!!!!!! One minute the sun is shining and the sky is a beautiful blue...........the next minute is is raining and the sky is dark and menacing..........the next minute there's a beautiful rainbow in the sky. I love the spring weather because I know that a beautiful warm summer is just around the corner.
I've been out doing a little tinkering in the flowerbeds and garden. I can't do much because of my knee and back. I'm still off fact I was terminated because I couldn't go back to work yet and I had used up my 90 days Family Medical Leave. So now I happily unemployed.
Dad and Mae gave me some beautiful hens and chicks yesterday. After Rich and I got home we planted them. I can't believe some of Dad and Mae's hen and chicks are 8 inches across. That's not the entire plant......that's one hen. Then some of the chicks are 4 - 5 inches across. The top photo is some of the hens and chicks at Dad and Mae's.
I love to garden..........but with my knee and back its hard to garden the conventional way. So I'm trying Mel Barthalomew's Square Foot Gardening this year. Instead of having my garden bed down low............Rich built it up so I don't have to bend or squat down to tend to my garden. I'll upload photos once we get it going. Mel has a wonderful website and book about the techniques of square foot gardening.
Take care and talk to all later.
"May the spirit of the wolf watch over you and keep you safe."


Tanya said...

Great to see an update from you, Shirley! Love the pics!

Unknown said...

Love your pictures :)