Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Family in the Neighborhood!

This morning when Rick started to work he discovered a Mama Cat and her kittens by our woodpile. He thought there was 3 kittens....turns out there is 5 kittens.

NO........the Mama Cat and her kittens don't belong to us. They are the result of an STUPID pet owner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They drove off and left the Mama Cat and her sibling (Gray Cat) about 3 months old to fend for themselves when they moved.

At least Mama Cat knew where her babies would be safe. We are now feeding them and will make sure that they find good homes. I would love to adopt the little one with the stubby tail like its Mama. Don't know if Misty would accept the little one or not.

I won't post what I would love to say to the STUPID people that caused this situation on my blog as I consider it a family blog. know who you are and what goes around comes around!

1 comment:

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

oh my goodness...they are so precious!!!! love that little white one..oh heck who am I kidding..I love them they let you pet them? why do people do this..why not have them fixed etc..I am glad they found you as I know you both will take very good care of them..)