Thursday, May 20, 2010


The memorial is located in Bedford, Virginia. It lists some of my Hackworth ancestors that fought in the war. From what I understand my Hackworth ancestors migrated from England to Virginia. There they branched off to different areas. My Hackworth linage branched off to the South. The Hackworth, Shaw, Sweeden and McGuire's were mostly in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Tennessee and Oklahoma. Both my father's and mother's families migrated to Oregon in the 1940's and 50's.

I find it facinating to go back in time and find my relatives. There are morticians, wagon makers, farmers, brick workers, preachers, teachers and general store clerks that I have found so far in my searching. I've found several brick walls that have me going in circles trying to figure out exactly who these people were. I have found that my paternal Great-Grandfather Hackworth used 4 different names and he was married 3 different times. Not only that.......his third wife later married my paternal Great-Grandfather Sweeden. I'm my own Grandpa sure fits this situation!!!!!

I'm a glutton for punishment as I am also researching Rich's ancestors for him. We have cleared one of the mysteries that he has been wondering about. It seems that his Great-Grandmother Sarah Cora Borah lived with his Grandma Cassman. There was another lady that lived with them they called Grandma Lewis. We found out that Grandma Lewis was his Great-Grandmother Borah's mother-in-law from her last marriage.

Well, I'm off to do some more digging and see what kind of skeletons I can unearth this afternoon.

Did I tell you that way back several generations Rich and I share relatives....Charles "The Hammer" Martel and several others of that time.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bingo Prize from CaT NaP iNn PriMiTIveS

My special blogging friend, Gina of CaT NaP iNn PrImItIVeS recently had a Bingo Game on her blog. She had all kinds of goodies that she had made. I was fortunate enough to win all the Goodies.

I was so excited when Rich brought in the package. I opened it and started ohhing and ahhing over all the wonderful Goodies that Gina had sent. I love everything. Rich said that the apron was too pretty to wear and get dirty. He thought I should just display it on the wall. We'll see!!!

Thank you, Gina for all the Goodies. It's always a blast to open packages that I receive from you.

First Strawberry Shortcake of the Year

One of Rich's favorite desserts is Strawberry Shortcake. Even though he is allergic to them.....after the first bite he sneezes 6-7 times and then he's okay. This was the first of many Strawberry Shortcakes he will enjoy this year.

We always go to one of the local farms and purchase flats of strawberries and freeze them for later use. I just slice the berries and place 2 cups of unsweetened berries in Ziploc bags and freeze. Purchasing the berries locally we can get the sweetest, ripest berries so that we don't have to add any sugar.